Saturday, November 22, 2008

Cooling Off with Drawings

Sometimes when I come home, I feel depressed , angry, and very lonely. It is hard being in Middle School . Every student is deciding what path to take ,where to go. They can't think, so they just are mean to everybody . Those bullies out their are just scared little people. It just makes them feel good when they bully. Yesterday, there was this kid that would not stop picking on me. I then said, " I WILL fight you ANY day and time you want!", he then turned completely pail and walked away. At the beginning of the school year I sat near this bully, he kept picking on me every class period. I finally elbowed him in the arm, he NEVER messed with me again. Now ,he respects me. But, every body in the school is still mean . I still come home depressed because I have no one to hang with. So then, I place my feelings in paper. I work on a drawing for hours at the time. On the left, you see a drawing I drew yesterday. It asks you which path you want to take. Do you want to be a servant of God, be loyal and be kind? Or, tease and bully everyone ? The stars symbolize the servants and the demons symbolize those who take the wrong path . I now have found the way to overcome depression, prayer, and drawing. Try this, see how it works for you. Yesterday I prayed ,asking God if he would send his angels to keep all the bullies away and let in kindness. Well, I went to school and NO one teased me that day. Even girls started talking to me. I know understand that prayer works .I have faith in God. I will follow him forever and ever more . God will stand with me when I get bullied, when I draw, when I am depressed. He will be with me always.

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